Accuracies and confusion matrices for default models
Read more about the model training process on the essentia website.
In-house MTG collection
Use: classification of music by danceability
Size: 306 full tracks, 124/182 per class
Accuracy: 92.41%
Predicted (%) |
danceable |
not_danceable |
Proportion |
danceable |
92.31 132 danceable (out of 143) classified as danceable |
7.69 11 danceable (out of 143) classified as not_danceable |
danceable |
63.84 % |
not_danceable |
7.41 6 not_danceable (out of 81) classified as danceable |
92.59 75 not_danceable (out of 81) classified as not_danceable |
not_danceable | 36.16 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection
Use: classification of vocal music by gender (male/female)
Size: 3311 full tracks, 1508/1803 per class
Accuracy: 87.21%
Predicted (%) |
female |
male |
Proportion |
female |
91.20 1627 female (out of 1784) classified as female |
8.80 157 female (out of 1784) classified as male |
female |
54.44 % |
male |
17.55 262 male (out of 1493) classified as female |
82.45 1231 male (out of 1493) classified as male |
male |
45.56 % |
Actual (%) |
Music Audio Benchmark Data Set by TU Dortmund University (Homburg et al., 2005)
Use: classification of music by genre
Size: 1820 track excerpts, 46-490 per genre
Homburg, H., Mierswa, I., Möller, B., Morik, K., & Wurst, M. (2005). A Benchmark Dataset for Audio Classification and Clustering. In 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR'05), pp. 528-31.
Accuracy: 60.25%
Predicted (%) |
alternative |
blues |
electronic |
folkcountry |
funksoulrnb |
jazz |
pop |
raphiphop |
rock |
Proportion |
alternative |
10.27 15 alternative (out of 146) classified as alternative |
4.79 7 alternative (out of 146) classified as blues |
4.79 7 alternative (out of 146) classified as electronic |
17.81 26 alternative (out of 146) classified as folkcountry |
0.00 0 alternative (out of 146) classified as funksoulrnb |
10.96 16 alternative (out of 146) classified as jazz |
2.05 3 alternative (out of 146) classified as pop |
1.37 2 alternative (out of 146) classified as raphiphop |
47.95 70 alternative (out of 146) classified as rock |
alternative |
7.74 % |
blues |
1.67 2 blues (out of 120) classified as alternative |
35.83 43 blues (out of 120) classified as blues |
0.83 1 blues (out of 120) classified as electronic |
10.00 12 blues (out of 120) classified as folkcountry |
0.83 1 blues (out of 120) classified as funksoulrnb |
19.17 23 blues (out of 120) classified as jazz |
0.00 0 blues (out of 120) classified as pop |
2.50 3 blues (out of 120) classified as raphiphop |
29.17 35 blues (out of 120) classified as rock |
blues |
6.36 % |
electronic |
9.73 11 electronic (out of 113) classified as alternative |
0.00 0 electronic (out of 113) classified as blues |
39.82 45 electronic (out of 113) classified as electronic |
5.31 6 electronic (out of 113) classified as folkcountry |
0.00 0 electronic (out of 113) classified as funksoulrnb |
17.70 20 electronic (out of 113) classified as jazz |
0.88 1 electronic (out of 113) classified as pop |
12.39 14 electronic (out of 113) classified as raphiphop |
14.16 16 electronic (out of 113) classified as rock |
electronic |
5.99 % |
folkcountry |
4.50 10 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as alternative |
4.95 11 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as blues |
0.45 1 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as electronic |
56.76 126 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as folkcountry |
0.00 0 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as funksoulrnb |
12.16 27 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as jazz |
3.15 7 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as pop |
1.35 3 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as raphiphop |
16.67 37 folkcountry (out of 222) classified as rock |
folkcountry |
11.76 % |
funksoulrnb |
0.00 0 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as alternative |
2.13 1 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as blues |
2.13 1 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as electronic |
4.26 2 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as folkcountry |
2.13 1 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as funksoulrnb |
31.91 15 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as jazz |
2.13 1 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as pop |
14.89 7 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as raphiphop |
40.43 19 funksoulrnb (out of 47) classified as rock |
funksoulrnb |
2.49 % |
jazz |
3.13 10 jazz (out of 319) classified as alternative |
3.45 11 jazz (out of 319) classified as blues |
4.08 13 jazz (out of 319) classified as electronic |
8.78 28 jazz (out of 319) classified as folkcountry |
0.63 2 jazz (out of 319) classified as funksoulrnb |
67.08 214 jazz (out of 319) classified as jazz |
1.57 5 jazz (out of 319) classified as pop |
3.45 11 jazz (out of 319) classified as raphiphop |
7.84 25 jazz (out of 319) classified as rock |
jazz |
16.91 % |
pop |
6.03 7 pop (out of 116) classified as alternative |
4.31 5 pop (out of 116) classified as blues |
3.45 4 pop (out of 116) classified as electronic |
28.45 33 pop (out of 116) classified as folkcountry |
0.00 0 pop (out of 116) classified as funksoulrnb |
4.31 5 pop (out of 116) classified as jazz |
8.62 10 pop (out of 116) classified as pop |
8.62 10 pop (out of 116) classified as raphiphop |
36.21 42 pop (out of 116) classified as rock |
pop |
6.15 % |
raphiphop |
0.33 1 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as alternative |
1.33 4 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as blues |
2.33 7 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as electronic |
0.67 2 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as folkcountry |
0.00 0 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as funksoulrnb |
1.67 5 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as jazz |
0.67 2 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as pop |
88.00 264 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as raphiphop |
5.00 15 raphiphop (out of 300) classified as rock |
raphiphop |
15.90 % |
rock |
3.37 17 rock (out of 504) classified as alternative |
2.58 13 rock (out of 504) classified as blues |
1.19 6 rock (out of 504) classified as electronic |
4.76 24 rock (out of 504) classified as folkcountry |
0.00 0 rock (out of 504) classified as funksoulrnb |
3.37 17 rock (out of 504) classified as jazz |
0.60 3 rock (out of 504) classified as pop |
0.99 5 rock (out of 504) classified as raphiphop |
83.13 419 rock (out of 504) classified as rock |
rock |
26.71 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection
Use: classification of electronic music by subgenres
Size: 250 track excerpts, 50 per genre
Accuracy: 91.70%
Predicted (%) |
ambient |
dnb |
house |
techno |
trance |
Proportion |
ambient |
98.11 52 ambient (out of 53) classified as ambient |
0.00 0 ambient (out of 53) classified as dnb |
0.00 0 ambient (out of 53) classified as house |
1.89 1 ambient (out of 53) classified as techno |
0.00 0 ambient (out of 53) classified as trance |
ambient |
20.95 % |
dnb |
0.00 0 dnb (out of 50) classified as ambient |
96.00 48 dnb (out of 50) classified as dnb |
0.00 0 dnb (out of 50) classified as house |
2.00 1 dnb (out of 50) classified as techno |
2.00 1 dnb (out of 50) classified as trance |
dnb |
19.76 % |
house |
0.00 0 house (out of 50) classified as ambient |
2.00 1 house (out of 50) classified as dnb |
94.00 47 house (out of 50) classified as house |
4.00 2 house (out of 50) classified as techno |
0.00 0 house (out of 50) classified as trance |
house |
19.76 % |
techno |
0.00 0 techno (out of 50) classified as ambient |
8.00 4 techno (out of 50) classified as dnb |
12.00 6 techno (out of 50) classified as house |
80.00 40 techno (out of 50) classified as techno |
0.00 0 techno (out of 50) classified as trance |
techno |
19.76 % |
trance |
0.00 0 trance (out of 50) classified as ambient |
4.00 2 trance (out of 50) classified as dnb |
4.00 2 trance (out of 50) classified as house |
2.00 1 trance (out of 50) classified as techno |
90.00 45 trance (out of 50) classified as trance |
trance |
19.76 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection created by a musicologist (Guaus, 2009)
Use: classification of music by genre
Size: 400 tracks, 50 per genre
Classes: classical, dance, hip-hop, jazz, pop, rhythm'n'blues, rock, speech
Guaus, E. (2009). Audio content processing for automatic music genre classification: descriptors, databases, and classifiers (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona).
Accuracy: 87.56%
Predicted (%) |
cla |
dan |
hip |
jaz |
pop |
rhy |
roc |
spe |
Proportion |
cla |
92.73 51 cla (out of 55) classified as cla |
0.00 0 cla (out of 55) classified as dan |
0.00 0 cla (out of 55) classified as hip |
1.82 1 cla (out of 55) classified as jaz |
1.82 1 cla (out of 55) classified as pop |
1.82 1 cla (out of 55) classified as rhy |
1.82 1 cla (out of 55) classified as roc |
0.00 0 cla (out of 55) classified as spe |
cla |
12.67 % |
dan |
0.00 0 dan (out of 54) classified as cla |
96.30 52 dan (out of 54) classified as dan |
1.85 1 dan (out of 54) classified as hip |
0.00 0 dan (out of 54) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 dan (out of 54) classified as pop |
1.85 1 dan (out of 54) classified as rhy |
0.00 0 dan (out of 54) classified as roc |
0.00 0 dan (out of 54) classified as spe |
dan |
12.44 % |
hip |
0.00 0 hip (out of 55) classified as cla |
1.82 1 hip (out of 55) classified as dan |
94.55 52 hip (out of 55) classified as hip |
0.00 0 hip (out of 55) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 hip (out of 55) classified as pop |
3.64 2 hip (out of 55) classified as rhy |
0.00 0 hip (out of 55) classified as roc |
0.00 0 hip (out of 55) classified as spe |
hip |
12.67 % |
jaz |
3.77 2 jaz (out of 53) classified as cla |
0.00 0 jaz (out of 53) classified as dan |
0.00 0 jaz (out of 53) classified as hip |
90.57 48 jaz (out of 53) classified as jaz |
5.66 3 jaz (out of 53) classified as pop |
0.00 0 jaz (out of 53) classified as rhy |
0.00 0 jaz (out of 53) classified as roc |
0.00 0 jaz (out of 53) classified as spe |
jaz |
12.21 % |
pop |
1.82 1 pop (out of 55) classified as cla |
7.27 4 pop (out of 55) classified as dan |
1.82 1 pop (out of 55) classified as hip |
0.00 0 pop (out of 55) classified as jaz |
69.09 38 pop (out of 55) classified as pop |
16.36 9 pop (out of 55) classified as rhy |
3.64 2 pop (out of 55) classified as roc |
0.00 0 pop (out of 55) classified as spe |
pop |
12.67 % |
rhy |
1.85 1 rhy (out of 54) classified as cla |
3.70 2 rhy (out of 54) classified as dan |
5.56 3 rhy (out of 54) classified as hip |
11.11 6 rhy (out of 54) classified as jaz |
11.11 6 rhy (out of 54) classified as pop |
66.67 36 rhy (out of 54) classified as rhy |
0.00 0 rhy (out of 54) classified as roc |
0.00 0 rhy (out of 54) classified as spe |
rhy |
12.44 % |
roc |
0.00 0 roc (out of 54) classified as cla |
1.85 1 roc (out of 54) classified as dan |
0.00 0 roc (out of 54) classified as hip |
0.00 0 roc (out of 54) classified as jaz |
7.41 4 roc (out of 54) classified as pop |
0.00 0 roc (out of 54) classified as rhy |
90.74 49 roc (out of 54) classified as roc |
0.00 0 roc (out of 54) classified as spe |
roc |
12.44 % |
spe |
0.00 0 spe (out of 54) classified as cla |
0.00 0 spe (out of 54) classified as dan |
0.00 0 spe (out of 54) classified as hip |
0.00 0 spe (out of 54) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 spe (out of 54) classified as pop |
0.00 0 spe (out of 54) classified as rhy |
0.00 0 spe (out of 54) classified as roc |
100.00 54 spe (out of 54) classified as spe |
spe |
12.44 % |
| Actual (%) |
GTZAN Genre Collection (Tzanetakis and Cook, 2002)
Use: classification of music by genre
Size: 1000 track excerpts, 100 per genre
Tzanetakis, G., & Cook, P. (2002). Musical genre classification of audio signals. IEEE transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 10(5), 293-302.
Sturm, B. L. (2012). An analysis of the GTZAN music genre dataset. In 2nd International ACM Workshop on Music Information Retrieval with User-centered and Multimodal Strategies (pp. 7-12).
Accuracy: 75.53%
Predicted (%) |
blu |
cla |
cou |
dis |
hip |
jaz |
met |
pop |
reg |
roc |
Proportion |
blu |
78.00 78 blu (out of 100) classified as blu |
1.00 1 blu (out of 100) classified as cla |
8.00 8 blu (out of 100) classified as cou |
3.00 3 blu (out of 100) classified as dis |
1.00 1 blu (out of 100) classified as hip |
1.00 1 blu (out of 100) classified as jaz |
3.00 3 blu (out of 100) classified as met |
0.00 0 blu (out of 100) classified as pop |
2.00 2 blu (out of 100) classified as reg |
3.00 3 blu (out of 100) classified as roc |
blu |
10.07 % |
cla |
2.15 2 cla (out of 93) classified as blu |
92.47 86 cla (out of 93) classified as cla |
1.08 1 cla (out of 93) classified as cou |
2.15 2 cla (out of 93) classified as dis |
0.00 0 cla (out of 93) classified as hip |
0.00 0 cla (out of 93) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 cla (out of 93) classified as met |
1.08 1 cla (out of 93) classified as pop |
0.00 0 cla (out of 93) classified as reg |
1.08 1 cla (out of 93) classified as roc |
cla |
9.37 % |
cou |
1.00 1 cou (out of 100) classified as blu |
1.00 1 cou (out of 100) classified as cla |
78.00 78 cou (out of 100) classified as cou |
7.00 7 cou (out of 100) classified as dis |
0.00 0 cou (out of 100) classified as hip |
2.00 2 cou (out of 100) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 cou (out of 100) classified as met |
4.00 4 cou (out of 100) classified as pop |
3.00 3 cou (out of 100) classified as reg |
4.00 4 cou (out of 100) classified as roc |
cou |
10.07 % |
dis |
0.00 0 dis (out of 100) classified as blu |
1.00 1 dis (out of 100) classified as cla |
5.00 5 dis (out of 100) classified as cou |
71.00 71 dis (out of 100) classified as dis |
3.00 3 dis (out of 100) classified as hip |
1.00 1 dis (out of 100) classified as jaz |
2.00 2 dis (out of 100) classified as met |
7.00 7 dis (out of 100) classified as pop |
5.00 5 dis (out of 100) classified as reg |
5.00 5 dis (out of 100) classified as roc |
dis |
10.07 % |
hip |
2.00 2 hip (out of 100) classified as blu |
1.00 1 hip (out of 100) classified as cla |
0.00 0 hip (out of 100) classified as cou |
6.00 6 hip (out of 100) classified as dis |
73.00 73 hip (out of 100) classified as hip |
0.00 0 hip (out of 100) classified as jaz |
3.00 3 hip (out of 100) classified as met |
3.00 3 hip (out of 100) classified as pop |
11.00 11 hip (out of 100) classified as reg |
1.00 1 hip (out of 100) classified as roc |
hip |
10.07 % |
jaz |
7.00 7 jaz (out of 100) classified as blu |
4.00 4 jaz (out of 100) classified as cla |
4.00 4 jaz (out of 100) classified as cou |
3.00 3 jaz (out of 100) classified as dis |
1.00 1 jaz (out of 100) classified as hip |
79.00 79 jaz (out of 100) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 jaz (out of 100) classified as met |
1.00 1 jaz (out of 100) classified as pop |
1.00 1 jaz (out of 100) classified as reg |
0.00 0 jaz (out of 100) classified as roc |
jaz |
10.07 % |
met |
2.00 2 met (out of 100) classified as blu |
0.00 0 met (out of 100) classified as cla |
0.00 0 met (out of 100) classified as cou |
1.00 1 met (out of 100) classified as dis |
3.00 3 met (out of 100) classified as hip |
2.00 2 met (out of 100) classified as jaz |
86.00 86 met (out of 100) classified as met |
1.00 1 met (out of 100) classified as pop |
0.00 0 met (out of 100) classified as reg |
5.00 5 met (out of 100) classified as roc |
met |
10.07 % |
pop |
0.00 0 pop (out of 100) classified as blu |
1.00 1 pop (out of 100) classified as cla |
6.00 6 pop (out of 100) classified as cou |
6.00 6 pop (out of 100) classified as dis |
5.00 5 pop (out of 100) classified as hip |
0.00 0 pop (out of 100) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 pop (out of 100) classified as met |
75.00 75 pop (out of 100) classified as pop |
4.00 4 pop (out of 100) classified as reg |
3.00 3 pop (out of 100) classified as roc |
pop |
10.07 % |
reg |
3.00 3 reg (out of 100) classified as blu |
2.00 2 reg (out of 100) classified as cla |
4.00 4 reg (out of 100) classified as cou |
4.00 4 reg (out of 100) classified as dis |
11.00 11 reg (out of 100) classified as hip |
2.00 2 reg (out of 100) classified as jaz |
0.00 0 reg (out of 100) classified as met |
5.00 5 reg (out of 100) classified as pop |
64.00 64 reg (out of 100) classified as reg |
5.00 5 reg (out of 100) classified as roc |
reg |
10.07 % |
roc |
7.00 7 roc (out of 100) classified as blu |
2.00 2 roc (out of 100) classified as cla |
6.00 6 roc (out of 100) classified as cou |
10.00 10 roc (out of 100) classified as dis |
3.00 3 roc (out of 100) classified as hip |
2.00 2 roc (out of 100) classified as jaz |
4.00 4 roc (out of 100) classified as met |
2.00 2 roc (out of 100) classified as pop |
4.00 4 roc (out of 100) classified as reg |
60.00 60 roc (out of 100) classified as roc |
roc |
10.07 % |
Actual (%) |
ISMIR2004 Rhythm Classification Dataset ("Ballroom dataset") (Cano et al., 2006)
Use: classification of ballroom music by dance styles
Size: 683 track excerpts, 60-110 per class
Cano, P., Gómez, E., Gouyon, F., Herrera, P., Koppenberger, M., Ong, B., ... & Wack, N. (2006). ISMIR 2004 audio description contest. Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Tech. Rep.
Accuracy: 73.21%
Predicted (%) |
ChaChaCha |
Jive |
Quickstep |
Rumba-American |
Rumba-International |
Rumba-Misc |
Samba |
Tango |
VienneseWaltz |
Waltz |
Proportion |
ChaChaCha |
83.78 93 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as ChaChaCha |
5.41 6 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Jive |
1.80 2 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Quickstep |
0.00 0 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Rumba-American |
3.60 4 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Rumba-International |
0.00 0 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Rumba-Misc |
3.60 4 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Samba |
1.80 2 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Tango |
0.00 0 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as VienneseWaltz |
0.00 0 ChaChaCha (out of 111) classified as Waltz |
ChaChaCha |
15.90 % |
Jive |
15.00 9 Jive (out of 60) classified as ChaChaCha |
68.33 41 Jive (out of 60) classified as Jive |
3.33 2 Jive (out of 60) classified as Quickstep |
0.00 0 Jive (out of 60) classified as Rumba-American |
3.33 2 Jive (out of 60) classified as Rumba-International |
1.67 1 Jive (out of 60) classified as Rumba-Misc |
5.00 3 Jive (out of 60) classified as Samba |
0.00 0 Jive (out of 60) classified as Tango |
3.33 2 Jive (out of 60) classified as VienneseWaltz |
0.00 0 Jive (out of 60) classified as Waltz |
Jive |
8.60 % |
Quickstep |
6.10 5 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as ChaChaCha |
3.66 3 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Jive |
74.39 61 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Quickstep |
1.22 1 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Rumba-American |
2.44 2 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Rumba-International |
0.00 0 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Rumba-Misc |
10.98 9 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Samba |
0.00 0 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Tango |
0.00 0 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as VienneseWaltz |
1.22 1 Quickstep (out of 82) classified as Waltz |
Quickstep |
11.75 % |
Rumba-American |
0.00 0 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as ChaChaCha |
0.00 0 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Jive |
14.29 1 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Quickstep |
28.57 2 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Rumba-American |
42.86 3 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Rumba-International |
0.00 0 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Rumba-Misc |
0.00 0 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Samba |
14.29 1 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Tango |
0.00 0 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as VienneseWaltz |
0.00 0 Rumba-American (out of 7) classified as Waltz |
Rumba-American | 1.00 % | Rumba-International |
1.96 1 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as ChaChaCha |
0.00 0 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Jive |
3.92 2 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Quickstep |
1.96 1 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Rumba-American |
74.51 38 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Rumba-International |
0.00 0 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Rumba-Misc |
1.96 1 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Samba |
1.96 1 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Tango |
7.84 4 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as VienneseWaltz |
5.88 3 Rumba-International (out of 51) classified as Waltz |
Rumba-International |
7.31 % |
Rumba-Misc |
5.00 2 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as ChaChaCha |
7.50 3 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Jive |
7.50 3 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Quickstep |
0.00 0 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Rumba-American |
2.50 1 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Rumba-International |
52.50 21 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Rumba-Misc |
5.00 2 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Samba |
5.00 2 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Tango |
2.50 1 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as VienneseWaltz |
12.50 5 Rumba-Misc (out of 40) classified as Waltz |
Rumba-Misc |
5.73 % |
Samba |
6.98 6 Samba (out of 86) classified as ChaChaCha |
6.98 6 Samba (out of 86) classified as Jive |
13.95 12 Samba (out of 86) classified as Quickstep |
0.00 0 Samba (out of 86) classified as Rumba-American |
2.33 2 Samba (out of 86) classified as Rumba-International |
1.16 1 Samba (out of 86) classified as Rumba-Misc |
66.28 57 Samba (out of 86) classified as Samba |
2.33 2 Samba (out of 86) classified as Tango |
0.00 0 Samba (out of 86) classified as VienneseWaltz |
0.00 0 Samba (out of 86) classified as Waltz |
Samba |
12.32 % |
Tango |
4.65 4 Tango (out of 86) classified as ChaChaCha |
0.00 0 Tango (out of 86) classified as Jive |
0.00 0 Tango (out of 86) classified as Quickstep |
2.33 2 Tango (out of 86) classified as Rumba-American |
0.00 0 Tango (out of 86) classified as Rumba-International |
5.81 5 Tango (out of 86) classified as Rumba-Misc |
0.00 0 Tango (out of 86) classified as Samba |
83.72 72 Tango (out of 86) classified as Tango |
1.16 1 Tango (out of 86) classified as VienneseWaltz |
2.33 2 Tango (out of 86) classified as Waltz |
Tango |
12.32 % |
VienneseWaltz |
0.00 0 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as ChaChaCha |
1.54 1 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Jive |
1.54 1 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Quickstep |
0.00 0 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Rumba-American |
4.62 3 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Rumba-International |
3.08 2 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Rumba-Misc |
0.00 0 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Samba |
0.00 0 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Tango |
67.69 44 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as VienneseWaltz |
21.54 14 VienneseWaltz (out of 65) classified as Waltz |
VienneseWaltz |
9.31 % |
Waltz |
0.00 0 Waltz (out of 110) classified as ChaChaCha |
0.00 0 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Jive |
0.91 1 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Quickstep |
0.00 0 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Rumba-American |
4.55 5 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Rumba-International |
6.36 7 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Rumba-Misc |
0.00 0 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Samba |
2.73 3 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Tango |
10.91 12 Waltz (out of 110) classified as VienneseWaltz |
74.55 82 Waltz (out of 110) classified as Waltz |
Waltz |
15.76 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection (Laurier et al., 2009)
Use: classification of music by type of sound (acoustic/non-acoustic)
Size: 321 full tracks + excerpts, 193/128 per class
Laurier, C., Meyers, O., Serra, J., Blech, M., & Herrera, P. (2009). Music mood annotator design and integration. In 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'09), pp. 156-161.
Accuracy: 92.98%
Predicted (%) |
acoustic |
not_acoustic |
Proportion |
acoustic |
95.04 115 acoustic (out of 121) classified as acoustic |
4.96 6 acoustic (out of 121) classified as not_acoustic |
acoustic |
53.07 % |
not_acoustic |
9.35 10 not_acoustic (out of 107) classified as acoustic |
90.65 97 not_acoustic (out of 107) classified as not_acoustic |
not_acoustic | 46.93 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection (Laurier et al., 2009)
Use: classification of music by mood (aggressive/non-aggressive)
Size: 280 full tracks + excerpts, 133/147 per class
Laurier, C., Meyers, O., Serra, J., Blech, M., & Herrera, P. (2009). Music mood annotator design and integration. In 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'09), pp. 156-161.
Accuracy: 97.50%
Predicted (%) |
aggressive |
not_aggressive |
Proportion |
aggressive |
95.49 127 aggressive (out of 133) classified as aggressive |
4.51 6 aggressive (out of 133) classified as not_aggressive |
aggressive |
47.50 % |
not_aggressive |
0.68 1 not_aggressive (out of 147) classified as aggressive |
99.32 146 not_aggressive (out of 147) classified as not_aggressive |
not_aggressive |
52.50 % |
| Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection (Laurier et al., 2009)
Use: classification of music by type of sound (electronic/non-electronic)
Size: 332 full tracks + excerpts, 164/168 per class
Laurier, C., Meyers, O., Serra, J., Blech, M., & Herrera, P. (2009). Music mood annotator design and integration. In 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'09), pp. 156-161.
Accuracy: 86.38%
Predicted (%) |
electronic |
not_electronic |
Proportion |
electronic |
82.84 111 electronic (out of 134) classified as electronic |
17.16 23 electronic (out of 134) classified as not_electronic |
electronic |
48.03 % |
not_electronic |
10.34 15 not_electronic (out of 145) classified as electronic |
89.66 130 not_electronic (out of 145) classified as not_electronic |
not_electronic |
51.97 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection (Laurier et al., 2009)
Use: classification of music by mood (happy/non-happy)
Size: 302 full tracks + excerpts, 139/163 per class
Laurier, C., Meyers, O., Serra, J., Blech, M., & Herrera, P. (2009). Music mood annotator design and integration. In 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'09), pp. 156-161.
Accuracy: 83.27%
Predicted (%) | |
happy |
not_happy |
Proportion |
happy |
82.14 92 happy (out of 112) classified as happy |
17.86 20 happy (out of 112) classified as not_happy |
happy |
45.71 % |
not_happy |
15.79 21 not_happy (out of 133) classified as happy |
84.21 112 not_happy (out of 133) classified as not_happy |
not_happy | 54.29 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection (Laurier et al., 2009)
Use: classification of music by mood (party/non-party)
Size: 349 full tracks + excerpts, 198/151 per class
Laurier, C., Meyers, O., Serra, J., Blech, M., & Herrera, P. (2009). Music mood annotator design and integration. In 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'09), pp. 156-161.
Accuracy: 88.38%
Predicted (%) |
not_party |
party |
Proportion |
not_party |
85.07 114 not_party (out of 134) classified as not_party |
14.93 20 not_party (out of 134) classified as party |
not_party |
55.60 % |
party |
7.48 8 party (out of 107) classified as not_party |
92.52 99 party (out of 107) classified as party |
party | 44.40 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection (Laurier et al., 2009)
Use: classification of music by mood (relaxed/non-relaxed)
Size: 446 full tracks + excerpts, 145/301 per class
Laurier, C., Meyers, O., Serra, J., Blech, M., & Herrera, P. (2009). Music mood annotator design and integration. In 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'09), pp. 156-161.
Accuracy: 93.20%
Predicted (%) |
not_relaxed |
relaxed |
Proportion |
not_relaxed |
85.48 106 not_relaxed (out of 124) classified as not_relaxed |
14.52 18 not_relaxed (out of 124) classified as relaxed |
not_relaxed |
35.13 % |
relaxed |
2.62 6 relaxed (out of 229) classified as not_relaxed |
97.38 223 relaxed (out of 229) classified as relaxed |
relaxed |
64.87 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection (Laurier et al., 2009)
Use: classification of music by mood (sad/non-sad)
Size: 230 full tracks + excerpts, 96/134 per class
Laurier, C., Meyers, O., Serra, J., Blech, M., & Herrera, P. (2009). Music mood annotator design and integration. In 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'09), pp. 156-161.
Accuracy: 87.83%
Predicted (%) |
not_sad |
sad |
Proportion |
not_sad |
82.29 79 not_sad (out of 96) classified as not_sad |
17.71 17 not_sad (out of 96) classified as sad |
not_sad |
41.74 % |
sad |
8.21 11 sad (out of 134) classified as not_sad |
91.79 123 sad (out of 134) classified as sad |
sad |
58.26 % |
Actual (%) |
MIREX Audio Mood Classification Dataset (Hu and Downie, 2007)
Use: classification of music into 5 mood clusters
- Cluster1: passionate, rousing, confident, boisterous, rowdy
- Cluster2: rollicking, cheerful, fun, sweet, amiable/good natured
- Cluster3: literate, poignant, wistful, bittersweet, autumnal, brooding
- Cluster4: humorous, silly, campy, quirky, whimsical, witty, wry
- Cluster5: aggressive, fiery, tense/anxious, intense, volatile, visceral
Size: 269 track excerpts, 60-110 per class
Hu, X., & Downie, J. S. (2007). Exploring Mood Metadata: Relationships with Genre, Artist and Usage Metadata. In 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR'07), pp. 67-72.
Accuracy: 57.09%
Predicted (%) |
Cluster1 |
Cluster2 |
Cluster3 |
Cluster4 |
Cluster5 |
Proportion |
Cluster1 |
56.90 33 Cluster1 (out of 58) classified as Cluster1 |
15.52 9 Cluster1 (out of 58) classified as Cluster2 |
8.62 5 Cluster1 (out of 58) classified as Cluster3 |
5.17 3 Cluster1 (out of 58) classified as Cluster4 |
13.79 8 Cluster1 (out of 58) classified as Cluster5 |
Cluster1 |
21.64 % |
Cluster2 |
22.22 12 Cluster2 (out of 54) classified as Cluster1 |
53.70 29 Cluster2 (out of 54) classified as Cluster2 |
16.67 9 Cluster2 (out of 54) classified as Cluster3 |
5.56 3 Cluster2 (out of 54) classified as Cluster4 |
1.85 1 Cluster2 (out of 54) classified as Cluster5 |
Cluster2 |
20.15 % |
Cluster3 |
5.48 4 Cluster3 (out of 73) classified as Cluster1 |
19.18 14 Cluster3 (out of 73) classified as Cluster2 |
68.49 50 Cluster3 (out of 73) classified as Cluster3 |
5.48 4 Cluster3 (out of 73) classified as Cluster4 |
1.37 1 Cluster3 (out of 73) classified as Cluster5 |
Cluster3 |
27.24 % |
Cluster4 |
15.62 5 Cluster4 (out of 32) classified as Cluster1 |
37.50 12 Cluster4 (out of 32) classified as Cluster2 |
15.62 5 Cluster4 (out of 32) classified as Cluster3 |
25.00 8 Cluster4 (out of 32) classified as Cluster4 |
6.25 2 Cluster4 (out of 32) classified as Cluster5 |
Cluster4 |
11.94 % |
Cluster5 |
27.45 14 Cluster5 (out of 51) classified as Cluster1 |
7.84 4 Cluster5 (out of 51) classified as Cluster2 |
0.00 0 Cluster5 (out of 51) classified as Cluster3 |
0.00 0 Cluster5 (out of 51) classified as Cluster4 |
64.71 33 Cluster5 (out of 51) classified as Cluster5 |
Cluster5 | 19.03 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection
Use: classification of music by timbre colour (dark/bright timbre)
Size: 3000 track excerpts, 1500 per class
Accuracy: 94.32%
Predicted (%) |
bright |
dark |
Proportion |
bright |
93.76 1383 bright (out of 1475) classified as bright |
6.24 92 bright (out of 1475) classified as dark |
bright |
49.60 % |
dark |
5.14 77 dark (out of 1499) classified as bright |
94.86 1422 dark (out of 1499) classified as dark |
dark | 50.40 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection
Use: classification of music by tonality (tonal/atonal)
Size: 345 track excerpts, 200/145
Accuracy: 97.67%
Predicted (%) |
atonal |
tonal |
Proportion |
atonal |
96.53 139 atonal (out of 144) classified as atonal |
3.47 5 atonal (out of 144) classified as tonal |
atonal |
41.98 % |
tonal |
1.51 3 tonal (out of 199) classified as atonal |
98.49 196 tonal (out of 199) classified as tonal |
tonal |
58.02 % |
Actual (%) |
In-house MTG collection
Use: classification into music with voice/instrumental
Size: 1000 track excerpts, 500 per class
Accuracy: 93.80%
Predicted (%) |
instrumental |
voice |
Proportion |
instrumental |
94.20 471 instrumental (out of 500) classified as instrumental |
5.80 29 instrumental (out of 500) classified as voice |
instrumental |
50.00 % |
voice |
6.60 33 voice (out of 500) classified as instrumental |
93.40 467 voice (out of 500) classified as voice |
voice | 50.00 % |
Actual (%) |