Recording "In Storm and Sunshine" by Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick Fennell

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Metadata value
MBID 90926bca-6302-4ad2-a878-1e176fa38b50
title In Storm and Sunshine
artist Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick Fennell
release Screamers (Circus Marches) / March Time
track number 1 / 28
track length 2:34

Submission #1 out of 4

Low-level information Summary

Tonal & Rhythmvalue
key F minor (81.0%)
chords key F minor
danceability 1.03
bpm 162
beat count 409

High-level information

Voice, timbre, gender, etc.valueprobability
Voice Instrumental 97.3%
Gender Female 50.9%
Danceability Not Danceable 83.4%
Tonal Tonal 99.5%
Timbre Bright 50.9%
ISMIR04 Rhythm Tango 83.3%
Electronic Electronic 53.9%
Party Not Party 69.7%
Aggressive Not Aggressive 93.2%
Acoustic Not Acoustic 84.6%
Happy Happy 54.0%
Sad Not Sad 86.9%
Relaxed Not Relaxed 84.8%
Mirex method Rollicking, Cheerful, Fun, Sweet, Amiable/Good Natured 30.6%
GTZAN model Jazz 31.4%
Electronic classification Ambient 81.4%
Dortmund model Electronic 85.2%
Rosamerica model Classical 66.1%

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